
Hello everyone! Welcome to our blog. Our group name is "East & West" because we are a collaboration between Canada and Hong Kong, and we hope that our group can possess the beauty of the East and West. More than that, we would also like to travel around the world and manage businesses everywhere :)

Do you want to know more about us? Scroll down and take a look at the descriptions about us!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Introduction cont.

Our Goals & Interests
We hope that in this class, we can familiarize ourselves with culture differences, expand our knowledge and gain unique experiences through team work and group exercises. Among all the topics, we are most excited by the crisis management topic since it's practical and the issues usually require immediate response.

Additional topic we would like to explore is foreign corruption practices. We hear about it often in the news but not in great details. Last but not least, we want to know whether China is one of the worst polluters in the world or not.

Eunice Ling (51178312)

Hi buddies, I'm a year three student and my major is Human Resources Management. I'm a sporty person and like playing squash. Many outdoor activities are my favorite!! Also, I completed GHRM last smester in which expanded my knowledge of management practices of MNCs. Hoping that I can learn more and have great fun in this diversified environment.

Tiffany Leung (51723527)

Hi everyone,
I am a year three student majoring in Human Resources Management. I love doing volunteer works and travelling. Please call me if you are planning a trip! This is my last semester in City University and I hope this class could give me a memorable experience!

Yan Yeung (51218916)

Hi everyone,
I'm a year three student majoring in Human Resources Management. I love shopping and travelling. Eunice and I were at Shanghai University for exchange for a semester so we are familiar with Shanghai. Please call us if you are planning a trip in Shanghai! I am looking forward to study this course and I hope this will give me a fun and memorable experience.


Jessica Wong (40034199)

Hi everyone,
I'm studying at Schulich School of Business, York University and I am majoring in accounting. I'm at City University of Hong Kong for exchange for a semester and everyone can probably find me in Hall 3 :) Classes so far have been interesting, so I hope this will be a fun experience!

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